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Prerogatives of the King

Prerogatives of the King in the Construction of Grants of Lands (English law) statute permitted the King to give and grant land as he see fits.


Prerogatives of the King

King Edward the Third married a woman of Moorish descent… Queen Phillipa. She’s England’s first black Queen consort.


The Statute for Those who are Born in Parts Beyond Sea

The Statute for those who are born in Parts beyond Sea assured Englishmen remain subjects and children of England.


Treason Act of 1351

The Treason Act acknowledged that whoever makes war against or assist enemies of England will be tried with treason.

Great Charter of the Franchises of England

Great Charter of the Franchises of England assured due process for all freeman presented to the King and council unless an indictment has been brought against him.


Treason Act of 1351

Liberty of Subjects (English law) defined that condemned, imprisoned, disinherited, or seized person be allowed to answer within due process of law.


Observance of due Process of Law

Observance of due Process of Law (English law) affirmed legal rights for anyone accursed of mischief or damages by false persons seeking revenge or benefit from the persecution of the accursed.


Peasants' Revolt Leads to Charter

Feudalism in England was abolished by a general charter of emancipation in 1381, when Richard II was forced to grant insurgents multiple copies of a charter leaving absolute equality for all dwelling in the realm of England. A sudden coup led to the killing of the revolt leaders and the breaking the king’s pledged word, though villeinage became progressively less common until it largely died out by 1500.

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