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The Ida B. Wells Center on American Exceptionalism and Restorative Justice (The Wells Center) is a not-for-profit public benefit organization, whose raison d’être is to serve as a catalyst for ideas, strategies, and intellectual stimulation through Scholarship, Engagement, and Action (SEA) in the creation of thought-provoking social, economic, and academic SEA-change in global arenas.

The Wells Center provides resources and opportunities for policymakers, researchers, and world-wide thought-leaders to reimagine and reframe racial disparity issues stemming from England’s abandonment and America’s criminal enslavement of black Englishmen in colonial America. This thesis will have far-reaching implications upon America’s historiography and topical social issues like reparations and restorative justice.

Our Mission

The Ida B. Wells Center serves as a think tank forum to propose, advocate and publish creative perspectives, strategies, and solutions to address systemic race-based policies and practices rooted in America’s criminalization, exploitation, and disenfranchisement of black Englishmen in colonial times.

The Wells Center advances the idea that structural racism, racial injustice, and economic disparity in America today is the product of a colonial times criminal scheme on the part of white Englishmen against black Englishmen and the documentary base for attacking its legitimacy is Anglo Saxon jurisprudence, the British common law and England’s Magna Carta of 1215, the Royal Assent by Commission Act of 1541, the Sedition Act of 1661, the Declaratory Act of 1766 and Somerset v. Stewart (1772).

Read the core exposition behind our work.

The Wells Center seeks to engage academia by bringing research and proffering findings for academic review, analysis and advancement and debate and then to U. S. policymakers and stakeholders, as black Englishmen were systematically exploited to serve as the bedrock of the U. S. slave pool and economy, in violation of the Treaty of Paris of 1773 and the Definitive Treaty of Peace in 1783, as verified and validated in historical records in the Book of Negroes and historical registries preserved in England and the United States.

The Ida B. Wells Center will:

  • Review, critique opposing topical white papers and publish white papers on colonial times and early America black Englishmen’s culture and people’s beliefs, practices, and the cognitive and social organization of colonial groups.
  • Study how colonial Americans who shared a common cultural system organized and shaped the physical and social world and were in turn shaped by those ideas, behaviors, and physical environments.
  • Craft and propose creative perspectives, strategies, and solutions to address disparity issues based upon race, structural racism and resulting community unrest, and governmental accountability for misanthrope horrors and exploitation of black Englishmen and systemic race-based policies and practices in the United States.

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