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Lord Dunmore Grants Conditional Freedom

Lord Dunmore, the governor of Virginia declares martial law and conditionally grants freedom to all enslaved Afro-Englishmen held in bondage by Patriots.

Charlotte Town Resolves

The Charlotte Town Resolves stipulated North Carolina’s independence from Great Britain and the establishment of separate North Carolina’s counties with governing authority.

Slave Population in the Colonies Hits 500,000

The slave population in the colonies is nearly 500,000. In Virginia, the ratio of free colonists to slaves is nearly 1:1. In South Carolina it is approximately 1:2.

Georgia Takes Action Against Importing Slaves

Georgia takes action against slave importation.

Black Minutemen Participate in First Battle of Revolutionary War

Black Minutemen participate in the first battles of the Revolutionary war are waged between the British and Colonial armies at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.

Washington Bans Enlistment of Free Blacks and Slaves

In July, George Washington announces a ban on the enlistment of free blacks and slaves in the colonial army. By the end of the year, he reverses the ban, ordering the Continental Army to accept the service of free blacks. More than 5,000 blacks, mostly Northerners, fought against the British.

Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery (PAS)

Founding of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery (PAS), the world’s first antislavery society and the first Quaker anti-slavery society.

Thomas Paine Speaks Out Against Slavery

Thomas Paine speaks out against slavery and joins the PAS with Benjamin Rush.

Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage

The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage is founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Seventeen of the 24 founders are Quakers.

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